
Business in Copenhagen

A new world class region is being born in the very heart of Europe, the Øresund Region. With a strategic location and highly developed society, Copenhagen is the focal point of one of the most dynamic regions in Northern Europe. Many international businesses have realised the possibilities of the golden opportunities Copenhagen and the region can offer.

A business hub

Copenhagen is strategically located at the crossroads of Scandinavia and the Baltic Region. The city is today a business, financial and commercial hub of the Nordic countries and the Øresund Region.

The city is a natural geographic hub for transport routs, air, sea and land traffic. The fixed link between Copenhagen (Denmark) and Malmö (Sweden) is one important reason for the future development in the region. Another important fact is that Copenhagen is the "Gate to the Baltic". The attractive geographical location and the dynamic expansion of business in the Copenhagen area attracts many international companies.

Welcome to find out for yourself!

Advice and assistance


The Copenhagen area is growing rapidly. The brilliant communication and telecom solutions in combination with Copenhagen airport and the Øresund Bridge among others, attract many companies to the area.

The business community is playing a more and more important role in the progression of the region and the community has only begun its blossoms. There are many good reasons to establish a business in Copenhagen. Do not hesitate to contact Copenhagen Capacity if you will know more. In June 2009 this organisation has been ranked by The World Bank as the best regional investment promotion agency in the world!

Copenhagen Capacity
Gammel Kongevej 1
1610 København V
Phone: +45 33 22 02 22

Financial institutions

Copenhagen provides a range of banks and financial services which meet all market expectations. This gives your company a possibility to a competitive advantage. The Finance administration is attached to a Finance Committee which is responsible for the general cooperation of municipal matters as financial and urban planning.

The Øresund Region and Copenhagen have all condition for providing business. If you are planning to set up an operation in Copenhagen you can contact some of the leading banks. In Copenhagen they are Den Danske Bank, Jyske Bank, Den Københavnske Bank, Amagerbanken, Sparbank Vest, and many others.

...or contact
Copenhagen Capacity
Gammel Kongevej 1
DK-1610 Copenhagen V
Phone: +45 33 22 02 22

Copenhagen Information Service
Information Centre
Rådhuspladsen 7
DK-1550 Copenhagen V
Tel: +45 33 66 66 33


Ports of Copenhagen - CMP

The port traffic concentrates on both conveyance of goods and passengers. When it comes to pure sight-seeing, Copenhagen port emerges as the brightest jewel in Scandinavia and many international cruise lines have Copenhagen as destination.

From 2001 the Port of Copenhagen cooperates with the Port of Malmö and the name of the merger is Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP). The port of Copenhagen includes Nordhaven, Frihaven, Langeline, Østhaven and the Prøvestenen's oilport.

The harbour is recently in a renovating project. The 4 km long dock is transforming from worn out containers and pilots to new beautiful buildings, cafés and surroundings.

Maritime region

The old harbour areas of Copenhagen are being transformed to a glittering platform for companies to settle down. The area that is developed is unique and new company headquarters are being established. The south harbour, with its strategic location near the airport and the motorway network, is becoming the natural and perfect place for industry development. The Øresund Region and Copenhagen harbour alias "Europe's Maritime Region" is the natural location for international maritime companies.

The major reasons for this statement are the unique concentration of skills, capacity and expertise the area is providing, the strong maritime network, international competitors, highly educated, stable, creative and efficient workforce, the best airport in the world, high quality of living and the bridgehead to the Scandinavian market, the EU and new markets in the Baltic Area and Eastern Europe - an ideal spot for setting up new business operations

Research and development

Research centres

The Copenhagen region is home for R&D, research and development. Many international and Danish companies are settling down in the area and several research centres can be found here. The Danes are way ahead and well known for their pharmaceutical and biotechnological products and researches in environmental technology. The quality and the wide range of research institutions make the country leading in the word of R&D.

Medicon valley

the Danish-Swedish life science cluste,r is a widely known name not only in the region but in the rest of Europe as well. The concept includes both sides of the Øresund and co-operation between the two countries increases and so does the number of biotech and health care companies. The Medicon Valley's R&D holds a strong position in the world and was ranked as the third in Europe in biomedicine field, exceeded only by London and Paris

Danish science park

The Science Park, established by the Danish State in 1962, lies at Hørsholm 20 km north of Copenhagen. The Science centre has a special mission to assist new high teach companies. They have a close cooperation with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet) and over 3000 people workers and 70 sphere of activities specialised in biotechnological, environmental and IT research.

Risø National laboratory

Risø is a national laboratory located in Roskilde. The laboratory's goal is to provide the Danish society with new opportunities for technological development and they also have a special responsibility for consolidating the knowledge base on nuclear issues and providing consultancy to governmental authorities in this area. They work together with universities, research institutes, technological institutes and the industrial sector on a national, European as well as on an international basis.


Denmark has built up a telecommunications infrastructure during the last 20 years and has become one of the most advanced in Europe.

There are more than 2.8 million telephone lines, and more than 6.2 million cellular phones in use.

In 2007, 83% of the population had Internet access from their home, and of these, 92% had a broadband connection. Broadband is available to more than 99% of citizens and businesses. The new Frequency Bill will allow expanding the wireless services for the TV, broadband and telephony.

TDC, with headquarters in Copenhagen, is the biggest telecommunication company in Denmark. It also provides land-line, mobile, and data communications services to customers in 12 countries. Several other suppliers of telecommunication like Telenor, TeliaSonera, and Sonofon have settled down in the country too.

Hotspots for wireless Internet use can be found in the airport, in many hotels, cafés, 7-Eleven shops, squares etc.

Trade and industry

Many companies find Copenhagen attractive for business and choose to settle down in the area. So far growth has been most powerful within biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, environmental technology, computer science and telecommunications.

You find international companies from all over the world representing all kinds of businesses.

The Øresund region is also known as "Medicon Valley" because of the high number of specialised biotech companies located in the area.


A major reason for companies settling down in the Copenhagen is the excellent communication and transport possibilities of the area.

The geographic location offers an easy transportation via air, sea and land. Copenhagen airport is leader on the Scandinavian markets wherever in the world you want to travel and the fixed link between Copenhagen (Denmark) and Malmö (Sweden) is further a springboard of development and cooperation of the region.


Copenhagen, a city of knowledge, has the greatest concentration of highly qualified labour in the northern Europe and the capital is esteemed for high quality educations and many Universities and schools. Some of the educational and research institutions are: The University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University, the Technical University of Denmark, the Royal Danish School of Pharmacy and Copenhagen Business School.

The university of Copenhagen

The University of Copenhagen founded in 1479 is the first university in Denmark. The University of Copenhagen located in heart of the capital has almost 35 000 students and if we counting other schools cooperating with the University there are as many as 70 000 students in the region. The highest academic distinctions granted by the University are doctorates (Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Economics, etc.).

Øresund University

Øresund University is a confederation of 12 Danish and Swedish universities in the Øresund region. The cooperation between the two countries and theire universities makes region the largest centre of research and education in northern Europe.

Every university has it's own special expertise for example Baltic Studies, European Studies, Human Rights and Scandinavian Studies. The education and research of both countries thus complement each other in making Øresund a scientific and educational stronghold.

The Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

The Technical University of Denmark was found in 1829 by the Danish physicist Hans Christian Ørsted. The University is located in Lungby north of Copenhagen and has over 6000 students studying to civil and diploma engineers. The University is also represented in 8 other places in Denmark.

They also cooperate with private companies which gives an opportunity to keep the education updated with the market and also to get guidance to which area to concentrate on.


Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

There are 271 Rotary Clubs in Denmark, 43 of them are located in Copenhagen and the near surroundings. Rotary's motto is "Service Above Self" they are trying to promote the god things in the day life as well in the homes.

Monday to Friday, there are always a Club you can visit, both lunchtime and evenings. You are also welcomed to attend the Copenhagen International Rotary Club if you're in the City - the only English-speaking club in Denmark.

Rotaract is an international club for young people between the age of 18 - 30 under Rotary. The club is part of the global youth organisation affiliated with Rotary. Rotaract is short for Rotary in Action. You'll find Copenhagen City Rotaract Club at:


Copenhagen International Rotary Club CIRC has the distinction of being the only Rotary Club in Copenhagen to conduct business in the English language.

Rotary Danmark, Kulsviertoften 14, 2800 Kongens Lyngby
Phone: 38 80 40 08
[email protected]

